Do you own or rent your cinema?
We now own our cinema.
How did your cinema first begin?
A remarkable friend and Hot Docs Board member purchased and renovated the 100 year old cinema for Hot Docs to programme and manage in 2012. We purchased it back from our angel investor in 2016.
Did you have an existing audience or membership base before opening your cinema?
Hot Docs operates the second largest film festival in North America, so we had a significant advantage in drawing an audience when we opened our cinema.
Do you sell memberships to your cinema? Is this an important part of your revenue model?
Yes - and this accounts for over $400,000 US each year.
What percentage of your gross revenues come from the following sources (box office/ third party rentals/ concessions/ memberships/ merchandise/ other)?
Box offce - 30%/ Third party rentals - 8%/ Concessions - 15%/ Memberships - 15%/ Merchandise - 6%/ Other - 4 %
What percentage of your expenses are dedicated to the following areas (full-time staff/ part-time staff/ distributor fees/ concession costs/ rent or annual building costs/ marketing)?
Full-time staff - 15%/ Part-time staff - 15%/ Distributor fees - 15%/ Concession costs - 6%/ Annual building costs - 15%/ Marketing costs - 4%